How to Open/Close the Mellow & Circlet Hoops
A must read before putting on your Mellow or Circlet hoops.

Although these hoops are convenient because they are lightweight and comfortable to sleep in, they are a little tricky to be constantly taking on and off. So, here is how to properly open and close these hoops.
To open:
1. Find the hollow end where the post is inside by gently wiggling the post back and forth.
2. Once you have grip of both sides of hoop, open the hoop vertically rather than horizontally. If you roughly pull the hoop a part horizontally, you WILL distort its shape.
To open:
1. Find the hollow end where the post is inside by gently wiggling the post back and forth.
2. Once you have grip of both sides of hoop, open the hoop vertically rather than horizontally. If you roughly pull the hoop a part horizontally, you WILL distort its shape.
To close:
3. Line up the two ends of the hoop
4. Push the two ends together towards each other
5. Enter the post (thinner end) into the hollow end of the hoop
6. Lightly close the post and hollow end together to secure closure (just enough to make sure it does not open but if you push too hard, it will make it difficulty to open back up and distort the shape)